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How the technical media sees us

A PR agency can get more for its clients by winning the respect of the media. Here is how PR Toolbox is regarded by some of North America's and Germany's leading trade magazines for design engineering & industrial automation:

  Lisa Arrigo, Editor in Chief
Product Design and Development

Reed Business Information - USA
Circulation: 171,000

"I have been working with Martin and PR Toolbox for about 6 years now. I wish all agencies I dealt with were as helpful and knowledgeable. Martin is one of those rare professionals who really takes the time to understand my reader and my magazine's requirements. His articles and photography are always high quality, too. We have worked together on product news, exclusive case studies, and in-depth articles. He gets me what I need when I need it."

  Mike Edwards, Editor in Chief
DPN - Design Product News

CLB Media - Canada
Circulation: 19,200

"For close to a decade, Martin Wendland has supported me at Design Product News in Canada with timely submissions. His technically relevant, well written and illustrated feature articles, and new product bulletins have made my work as an editor that much easier."

  Jean Miller, Managing Editor
Electronic Component News
Reed Business Information - USA
Circulation: 131,000

"The staff at ECN has been working with Martin Wendland of PR Toolbox for about two years via new product releases, by-lined articles and press conferences. He gets us what we need on time and in good humor, qualities not always present in dealings with agencies. It is obvious that his clients are very important to him and he manages to get them exposure in the top rated publications in their respective fields."

  Rob Spencer, Editor
Robotics World

Douglas Publications - USA
Circulation: 24,500

"Martin Wendland of PR Toolbox was one of the first robotics industry professionals I met when I became editor of Robotics World in 1999. Since then, Martin has kept me supplied with news, product releases and case studies from the companies he represents, and he has always responded quickly and professionally to my requests for editorial material."

  Horst Böhland, Editor
KEM - Konstruktion Elektronik Maschinenbau
Konradin Verlag (Germany)
Circulation: 28.000

"Die Zusammenarbeit mit PR Toolbox für Fachbeiträge ist in Text und Bild wie eine Punktlandung im Zielkorridor, die Kommunikation ein Gespräch mit dem Nachbar von nebenan."

  Dirk Schaar, Editor in Chief
MSR Magazin

Vereinigte Fachverlage (Germany)
Circulation: 15,000

"... immer am Ball, wenn es um lebhafte Anwender-Stories geht.Toll auch, wie uns die Agentur - gemeinsam mit LEONI - die Tür bei Audi für eine spannende Vor-Ort-Reportage im modernsten Windkanal der Welt geöffnet hat."

  Karl-Ullrich Höltkemeier, Editor in Chief

Vogel Verlag (Germany)
Circulation: 28,000

"...der Lieferumfang ist immer genau auf die Wünsche der Redaktion abgestimmt. Auch die 6500 km Entfernung Würzburg-Kanada sind da kein wirkliches Hindernis. Die hohe Qualität, die PR Toolbox liefert, was sich auch direkt mit dem Namen Wendland verbindet lässt, spiegelt sich in allen Sparten der Toolbox-Pressearbeit wider."

  Stefan Kuppinger, Editor in Chief
IEE automatisierung + Datentechnik

Hüthig Verlag (Germany)
Circulation: 20,600

"Story vereinbaren ist nicht schwer,Termin und Inhalt halten dagegen sehr! Das zeigen meine praktischen Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit so mancher Agentur - mit PR Toolbox allerdings nicht! Jeder Beitrag kam termingerecht, mit guten Bildern und - ganz wichtig - fundiertem Inhalt. Kompetenz, auf die ich mich auch in Zukunft gerne verlasse!"

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